
Guide to PPC Marketing Ads and How it Works

What is PPC?

You may have already heard this term or maybe want to learn more, in marketing PPC is an online advertising method that stands for Pay-Per-Click. Advertisers pay for each time their ad is clicked on, fundamentally it’s paying leads. It’s an effective way of advertising on search engines such as Google and Bing and a great way to maximize ROI.

How PPC Ads work

PPC advertising doesn’t necessarily mean that your ads will appear first on search engines if you pay more. Due to the automated Ad Auction system, Google and other search engines determine what ads are most relevant, to ensure your ad is chosen specific keywords must be used. Grouping together important keywords and using text in your ads relevant to your keywords will improve your PPC marketing strategy. Essentially you are bidding on those specific keywords to show the relevance and validity of your ad to Google and other search engines.

Why use PPC Advertising

The main reason to take advantage of PCC advertising is the competitiveness of keywords, it’s becoming more and more difficult for businesses to rank higher organically on search engines. Using Paid advertising is a cost-effective way to drive more traffic by reaching and engaging with larger audiences. Below are the top benefits of PPC ads.

Drive traffic to your site

One of the biggest benefits of PPC is its targeting options; you can target more and specific audiences using keywords and demographic research.  PPC networks allow you to customize the targeting factors in your ads, like adding locations, keywords, demographics of the audiences, and the time of day you’d like your ads to run. This encourages search engines to prioritize your ads and as a result driving more people to your site.

PPC is trackable

The fact that PPC ads are easy to measure, and track makes them extremely beneficial for marketing strategies. With the use of Google Analytics and Google Ads Tool, you can track the performance of your ads. From the number of clicks and impressions to conversation rates, you’ll never have to wonder if your ads are working.

Positive ROI

Because you can choose exactly how much you want to pay for each ad your ROI will always be high. The best way to ensure your ROI remains high is by doing extensive audience and keyword research for your PPC ads. Make sure your landing page is relevant to the target audience and track the results of your ads to determine what aspects are working and what are not. For the next ad, you can use that information to create a better and more successful ad.


PPC advertising is a useful tool for many small to medium businesses, it’s a great way to generate more traffic and leads to your site. Its many targeting options and easy-to-track abilities make it easier to get your money’s worth with a high ROI. Make the most out of online advertising and take advantage of PPC to rank higher on search engines.