
Why Are Keywords Important for SEO?

Search engine optimization or SEO is a marketing strategy that tracks your presence on search engines. The goal is to rank higher on these search engines because more people will view your site and improve your customer reach.

By showing search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo you that your website is user friendly and inviting you will rank higher on those engines. However, the best way to get recognized is through the use of keywords. Google for example ranks websites based of relevance and how valuable they are. This means that your site should include specific keywords alongside good content.

Getting the right keywords

Using the right resources will get you the best keywords to use for your website, content and ads. Finding keywords is generally very easy, there are many websites that help generate keywords variations as well as track how often those keywords are searched up.

Google Keyword Planner

With Google keyword planner you are able to research keywords to use for content and advertisements. It’s also a great tool for discovering new keywords and how they may be related to your business. Google keyword planner shows the cost and ranking of the keywords and if the competition for these words are low, medium or high. This tool is extremely useful and should be optimized for all seo purposes.


This site is also a keyword generator, however, it also adds combinations and variations of similar and relevant keywords. Ubersuggest can be free and paid, the free version allows you to research keywords and phrases and the most popular blogs and content that includes those terms. This is a great tool to help with content and incorporating those keywords.


This tool is very easy to use and is free, all you have to do is search the keyword, term or phrase and Soovle will generate terms similar to those from all search engines. This includes Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube and Amazon. Soovle is an easy way to come up with content ideas using those keywords.

Incorporating Keywords into SEO

Now that you’ve found the keywords that work best for your brand, the next step is knowing how to use them. Content is the best place to incorporate keywords, this includes social media posts, blogs, videos email campaigns and ads. You should also be using these keywords for your website, posting blogs and using the tags as keywords are great ways to improve your SEO.

We know that it’s often hard to find the time do all of this research and planning, at emagid we can do it all for you!