
4 Common Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Creating a strong marketing strategy can be a very difficult thing to achieve right off the bat, you are bound to make some mistakes along the way. Most marketing strategies are based on trial and error, you try different content and see what works and what doesn’t. When something doesn’t seem to be getting the amount of reach you want, you learn and try something else.

Mistakes are bound to happen, and many have experienced making the same mistakes. The upside is that once those mistakes have been made you can fix them and ensure that others don’t make the same ones. In this blog, we will talk about some common marketing mistakes that you can avoid making with your own marketing strategy.

Lack of realistic goals

The first and foremost mistake made by many digital marketers is creating unrealistic goals. When you set goals for your website and campaigns, they have to be reasonable and focused, you’re setting your business up for failure without realistic goals. A simple acronym to remember is S.M.A.R.T goals. Which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Timebound. This acronym will help you stay on track with your digital marketing objectives.

Neglecting website design

Another common mistake is forgetting about mobile-friendly website design, if you read our blogs, you know how important it is to have a mobile-friendly website. 50% of people said that even if they liked a business, they would use them less often if the site wasn’t mobile-friendly. To succeed in today’s digital world a user-friendly website and mobile applications are necessary.

Neglecting website design also includes the website response time, most users will not stay on a page long enough it is taking too long to load. These are only some of the ways to improve website design, there are plenty of other ways that will help create a website user will love and use again.

Not optimizing SEO

SEO is possibly the most important part of a digital marketing strategy, without it, customers would have trouble finding your business of search engines. SEO takes time and time to improve, it also shows significant results for lead generation and sales.

Disregarding blogs and social media
Blogs make for great content and are creative ways of engaging with users. They are increase traffic with keywords and improve a website’s SEO. Blogs can be incorporated into social media. Sharing links to blogs on social media helps with coming up with content and helps build an identity for your brand.

Overall, everyone makes mistakes, here are a few that we can fix. It’s important to take those mistakes and learn from them, it’s the best way to create the perfect powerful marketing strategy.